Contest: 2023-SAC-CONTEST Call: DF0SX Operators: DF5EN Category: ALL_L_DX Overlay: TB-WIRES Processed: 2023-12-01 12:55:40 ************************** Summary *************************** 236 Raw QSO before checking (does not include duplicates) 232 Final QSO after checking reductions 236 Raw QSO points 232 Final QSO points 101 Raw mults 99 Final mults 23836 Raw score 22968 Final score 1.7% error rate based on raw and final qso counts 3.6% score reduction 1 (0.4%) not in log 0 (0.0%) incorrect calls 3 (1.3%) incorrect exchanges 0 (0.0%) missing exchanges 1 (0.4%) duplicates removed 0 (0.0%) calls unique to this log only (not removed) ********************** Results By Band *********************** Band QSO QPts Mult Raw 80M 21 21 16 Final 80M 21 21 16 Raw 40M 60 60 29 Final 40M 59 59 28 Raw 20M 114 114 36 Final 20M 111 111 35 Raw 15M 41 41 20 Final 15M 41 41 20 Raw 10M 0 0 0 Final 10M 0 0 0 Raw All 236 236 101 23836 Final All 232 232 99 22968 ************************* Not In Log ************************* 14022 CW 2023-09-16 1201 DF0SX 2 SM2U 5 *************** Incorrect Exchange Information *************** 7029 CW 2023-09-16 1525 DF0SX 114 OZ2TF 243 correct 244 14025 CW 2023-09-16 1802 DF0SX 134 OZ7BQ 298 correct 278 14028 CW 2023-09-17 1034 DF0SX 237 SK6EI 900 correct 901 ********************** Lost Multipliers ********************** 7029 CW 2023-09-16 1525 DF0SX 114 OZ2TF 243 correct 244 14025 CW 2023-09-16 1802 DF0SX 134 OZ7BQ 298 correct 278 ************************ Multipliers ************************* 15M multiplier total 20 LA2 LA8 LA9 OH1 OH3 OH5 OH6 OH7 OH8 OY1 OZ2 OZ7 SM0 SM1 SM2 SM3 SM5 SM6 SM7 TF3 20M multiplier total 35 LA0 LA1 LA2 LA5 LA6 LA7 LA8 LA9 OH0 OH1 OH2 OH3 OH4 OH5 OH6 OH7 OH8 OH9 OX3 OY0 OY1 OZ1 OZ2 OZ3 OZ8 SM0 SM1 SM2 SM3 SM4 SM5 SM6 SM7 SM8 TF3 40M multiplier total 28 LA1 LA2 LA5 LA6 LA8 OH0 OH1 OH2 OH3 OH4 OH5 OH6 OH7 OZ0 OZ1 OZ3 OZ6 OZ7 SM0 SM1 SM2 SM3 SM4 SM5 SM6 SM7 SM8 TF3 80M multiplier total 16 LA5 LA8 OH0 OH1 OH3 OH7 OH8 OH9 SM0 SM1 SM2 SM4 SM5 SM6 SM7 SM8 ************* Stations Copying DF0SX Incorrectly ************* 14029 CW 2023-09-16 1250 OZ1THC 10 DLF0SX 37 14032 CW 2023-09-16 1759 OH6LW 126 DF0IX 132 7023 CW 2023-09-16 1817 OG7Z 701 DL0SX 139 7013 CW 2023-09-16 1826 TF3D 121 DF2SX 146 7009 CW 2023-09-17 0702 OZ1AAR 337 DF0HX 183 14000 CW 2023-09-17 0943 OH5UQ 123 DL0SX 223 ******** Stations Copying DF0SX Exchange Incorrectly ********* 14043 CW 2023-09-16 1223 SM7RYR 24 DF0SX 4 correct 24 21000 CW 2023-09-16 1321 LA9OI 108 DF0SX 56 correct 58 14042 CW 2023-09-16 1434 OH3JR 144 DF0SX 62 correct 92 7020 CW 2023-09-16 1519 SM6EAT 121 DF0SX 12 correct 112 14038 CW 2023-09-16 1800 LC9A 13 DF0SX 33 correct 133 7007 CW 2023-09-16 1809 LA6ZFA 239 DF0SX 136 correct 135 3512 CW 2023-09-16 1918 8S80AA 369 DF0SX 178 correct 177 14048 CW 2023-09-17 1027 SM6LJU 454 DF0SX 244 correct 234 14028 CW 2023-09-17 1035 SK6EI 901 DF0SX 238 correct 237