Contest: 2023-SAC-CONTEST Call: LY2MM Category: LB_H_DX Processed: 2023-12-01 12:55:40 ************************** Summary *************************** 236 Raw QSO before checking (does not include duplicates) 226 Final QSO after checking reductions 236 Raw QSO points 226 Final QSO points 67 Raw mults 64 Final mults 15812 Raw score 14464 Final score 4.2% error rate based on raw and final qso counts 8.5% score reduction 0 (0.0%) not in log 0 (0.0%) incorrect calls 10 (4.2%) incorrect exchanges 0 (0.0%) missing exchanges 0 (0.0%) duplicates removed 0 (0.0%) calls unique to this log only (not removed) 4 out of band qsos removed ********************** Results By Band *********************** Band QSO QPts Mult Raw 80M 98 98 29 Final 80M 94 94 28 Raw 40M 138 138 38 Final 40M 132 132 36 Raw 20M 0 0 0 Final 20M 0 0 0 Raw 15M 0 0 0 Final 15M 0 0 0 Raw 10M 0 0 0 Final 10M 0 0 0 Raw All 236 236 67 15812 Final All 226 226 64 14464 *************** Incorrect Exchange Information *************** 7028 CW 2023-09-16 1258 LY2MM 10 OU2V 28 correct 29 7014 CW 2023-09-16 1509 LY2MM 25 OZ6TL 2 correct 7 7038 CW 2023-09-16 1628 LY2MM 53 OH7L 77 correct 7 7025 CW 2023-09-16 1720 LY2MM 78 SM0Q 52 correct 252 3525 CW 2023-09-16 1804 LY2MM 107 5Q6EE 166 correct 366 3550 CW 2023-09-16 1951 LY2MM 175 OH1MM 294 correct 295 7035 CW 2023-09-16 2032 LY2MM 190 OY/DL4AOJ 139 correct 129 3538 CW 2023-09-16 2053 LY2MM 204 SF1Z 643 correct 633 3548 CW 2023-09-16 2109 LY2MM 208 SM5DXR 267 correct 277 7018 CW 2023-09-17 0625 LY2MM 234 OH4X 1909 incorrect exchange ************************ Out Of Band ************************* 7043 CW 2023-09-16 1537 LY2MM 32 OH5RM 144 3508 CW 2023-09-16 1832 LY2MM 121 LA2AB 570 3507 CW 2023-09-16 1854 LY2MM 142 LA6ZFA 267 7041 CW 2023-09-17 0407 LY2MM 220 LA9OI 512 ********************** Lost Multipliers ********************** 3525 CW 2023-09-16 1804 LY2MM 107 5Q6EE 166 correct 366 7035 CW 2023-09-16 2032 LY2MM 190 OY/DL4AOJ 139 correct 129 7018 CW 2023-09-17 0625 LY2MM 234 OH4X 1909 Incorrect exchange ************************ Multipliers ************************* 40M multiplier total 36 LA1 LA2 LA5 LA6 LA7 LA8 LA9 OH0 OH1 OH2 OH3 OH5 OH6 OH7 OH8 OH9 OZ0 OZ1 OZ2 OZ3 OZ4 OZ5 OZ6 OZ7 OZ8 OZ9 SM0 SM1 SM2 SM3 SM4 SM5 SM6 SM7 SM8 TF3 80M multiplier total 28 LA5 LA7 LA8 OH0 OH1 OH2 OH3 OH5 OH6 OH7 OH8 OH9 OZ0 OZ1 OZ2 OZ3 OZ7 OZ8 SM0 SM1 SM2 SM3 SM4 SM5 SM6 SM7 SM8 TF3 ************* Stations Copying LY2MM Incorrectly ************* 7019 CW 2023-09-16 1604 SM0HRP 522 YL2MM 43 7000 CW 2023-09-16 2004 SM6IQD 134 LY7MM 178 ******** Stations Copying LY2MM Exchange Incorrectly ********* 7038 CW 2023-09-16 1628 OH7L 7 LY2MM 3 correct 53 7035 CW 2023-09-16 1708 OH3GGQ 289 LY2MM 80 correct 70 3525 CW 2023-09-16 1803 5Q6EE 366 LY2MM 197 correct 107 7026 CW 2023-09-16 1918 OZ7HB 68 LY2MM 154 correct 155 7012 CW 2023-09-17 0408 SE0X 258 LY2MM 331 correct 221