Contest: 2023-SAC-CONTEST Call: N9NC Category: ALL_H_DX Processed: 2023-12-01 12:55:40 ************************** Summary *************************** 319 Raw QSO before checking (does not include duplicates) 306 Final QSO after checking reductions 547 Raw QSO points 518 Final QSO points 136 Raw mults 135 Final mults 74392 Raw score 69930 Final score 4.1% error rate based on raw and final qso counts 6.0% score reduction 1 (0.3%) not in log 0 (0.0%) incorrect calls 12 (3.8%) incorrect exchanges 0 (0.0%) missing exchanges 1 (0.3%) duplicates removed 0 (0.0%) calls unique to this log only (not removed) ********************** Results By Band *********************** Band QSO QPts Mult Raw 80M 47 141 24 Final 80M 45 135 23 Raw 40M 67 201 29 Final 40M 61 183 29 Raw 20M 125 125 37 Final 20M 122 122 37 Raw 15M 61 61 32 Final 15M 59 59 32 Raw 10M 19 19 14 Final 10M 19 19 14 Raw All 319 547 136 74392 Final All 306 518 135 69930 ************************* Not In Log ************************* 7028 CW 2023-09-17 0120 N9NC 211 SD3A 278 *************** Incorrect Exchange Information *************** 14033 CW 2023-09-16 1956 N9NC 126 SI7M 328 correct 318 14012 CW 2023-09-16 2019 N9NC 135 8S3DX 155 correct 165 21012 CW 2023-09-16 2051 N9NC 141 SE0X 138 correct 130 7037 CW 2023-09-16 2302 N9NC 173 SE5E 1387 correct 1388 7026 CW 2023-09-16 2308 N9NC 176 SJ2W 1388 correct 1389 7015 CW 2023-09-16 2338 N9NC 191 SD6O 208 correct 928 3530 CW 2023-09-17 0008 N9NC 195 SB3W 1161 correct 1171 3523 CW 2023-09-17 0257 N9NC 234 SM5IMO 991 correct 1001 7017 CW 2023-09-17 0308 N9NC 237 SM5IMO 1003 correct 1013 7022 CW 2023-09-17 0517 N9NC 260 SI6T 73 correct 72 14041 CW 2023-09-17 1101 N9NC 279 OH7KBF 657 correct 667 21020 CW 2023-09-17 1136 N9NC 300 SM5X 547 correct 647 ********************** Lost Multipliers ********************** 3530 CW 2023-09-17 0008 N9NC 195 SB3W 1161 correct 1171 ************************ Multipliers ************************* 10M multiplier total 14 LA8 OH0 OH1 OH3 OH4 OH6 OH7 OZ1 SM2 SM3 SM5 SM6 SM7 TF3 15M multiplier total 32 LA1 LA2 LA5 LA7 LA8 LA9 OH0 OH1 OH2 OH3 OH5 OH6 OH7 OH8 OX3 OY1 OZ1 OZ2 OZ3 OZ4 OZ6 OZ7 OZ8 SM0 SM1 SM2 SM3 SM4 SM5 SM6 SM7 TF3 20M multiplier total 37 LA0 LA1 LA2 LA5 LA8 LA9 OH0 OH1 OH2 OH3 OH4 OH5 OH6 OH7 OH8 OX3 OY0 OY1 OZ0 OZ1 OZ2 OZ3 OZ4 OZ5 OZ6 OZ7 OZ8 SM0 SM1 SM2 SM3 SM4 SM5 SM6 SM7 SM8 TF3 40M multiplier total 29 LA1 LA2 LA5 LA8 OH0 OH1 OH2 OH3 OH5 OH6 OH7 OH8 OZ0 OZ1 OZ2 OZ3 OZ6 OZ7 OZ8 SM0 SM1 SM2 SM3 SM4 SM5 SM6 SM7 SM8 TF3 80M multiplier total 23 LA1 LA2 LA5 LA8 OH0 OH1 OH2 OH3 OH7 OH8 OH9 OZ0 OZ1 OZ3 SM0 SM1 SM2 SM4 SM5 SM6 SM7 SM8 TF3 ************* Stations Copying N9NC Incorrectly ************** 7007 CW 2023-09-16 2102 OH5TS 699 N9TC 144 7028 CW 2023-09-16 2116 SM2U 282 N9NK 154 7032 CW 2023-09-16 2258 LC5T 894 N8NC 170 7014 CW 2023-09-17 0144 OH3PE 14 N9C 220 3528 CW 2023-09-17 0349 OH3Z 450 N9SSC 241 3500 CW 2023-09-17 0408 SI7M 390 N9SC 44 14023 CW 2023-09-17 1043 SM5ACQ 492 N8NC 261 14033 CW 2023-09-17 1126 OH7JL 351 N9C 294 ********* Stations Copying N9NC Exchange Incorrectly ********* 14035 CW 2023-09-16 1515 SB3W 361 N9NC 72 correct 70 21011 CW 2023-09-16 2051 SE0X 130 N9NC 121 correct 141 7013 CW 2023-09-17 0020 OG5O 970 N9NC 100 correct 200 3532 CW 2023-09-17 0159 OH7K 291 N9NC 201 correct 221 3525 CW 2023-09-17 0307 SM6F 711 N9NC 216 correct 236 7012 CW 2023-09-17 0414 SE0X 265 N9NC 248 correct 247 7017 CW 2023-09-17 0445 OH3OJ 338 N9NC 254 correct 253 14027 CW 2023-09-17 1103 SM6TOL 529 N9NC 181 correct 280 21043 CW 2023-09-17 1152 SF5O 1018 N9NC 31 correct 313