Contest: 2023-SAC-CONTEST Call: W1FJ Category: ALL_Q_DX Processed: 2023-12-01 12:55:40 ************************** Summary *************************** 141 Raw QSO before checking (does not include duplicates) 138 Final QSO after checking reductions 201 Raw QSO points 194 Final QSO points 71 Raw mults 69 Final mults 14271 Raw score 13386 Final score 2.1% error rate based on raw and final qso counts 6.2% score reduction 0 (0.0%) not in log 0 (0.0%) incorrect calls 3 (2.1%) incorrect exchanges 0 (0.0%) missing exchanges 1 (0.7%) duplicates removed 0 (0.0%) calls unique to this log only (not removed) ********************** Results By Band *********************** Band QSO QPts Mult Raw 80M 0 0 0 Final 80M 0 0 0 Raw 40M 30 90 19 Final 40M 28 84 17 Raw 20M 63 63 28 Final 20M 62 62 28 Raw 15M 44 44 20 Final 15M 44 44 20 Raw 10M 4 4 4 Final 10M 4 4 4 Raw All 141 201 71 14271 Final All 138 194 69 13386 *************** Incorrect Exchange Information *************** 14051 CW 2023-09-16 1847 W1FJ 68 OH1NDA 296 correct 96 7024 CW 2023-09-16 2325 W1FJ 90 OH7K 506 correct 576 7030 CW 2023-09-16 2338 W1FJ 97 SB3W 1151 correct 1153 ********************** Lost Multipliers ********************** 7024 CW 2023-09-16 2325 W1FJ 90 OH7K 506 correct 576 7030 CW 2023-09-16 2338 W1FJ 97 SB3W 1151 correct 1153 ************************ Multipliers ************************* 10M multiplier total 4 LA8 OH6 OH7 TF3 15M multiplier total 20 LA1 LA2 LA8 LA9 OH0 OH1 OH2 OH3 OH5 OH6 OH7 OH8 OZ1 SM0 SM2 SM3 SM5 SM6 SM7 TF3 20M multiplier total 28 LA1 LA2 LA5 LA8 LA9 OH0 OH1 OH2 OH3 OH5 OH6 OH7 OH8 OZ1 OZ2 OZ3 OZ5 OZ6 OZ7 SM0 SM1 SM2 SM3 SM4 SM5 SM6 SM7 TF3 40M multiplier total 17 LA2 LA8 OH0 OH1 OH2 OH3 OH8 OZ1 OZ2 OZ3 OZ7 SM0 SM2 SM5 SM6 SM7 TF3 ************* Stations Copying W1FJ Incorrectly ************** 7028 CW 2023-09-16 2323 TF3D 348 W1FW 89 7018 CW 2023-09-16 2333 SD7W 841 W1NJ 94 7030 CW 2023-09-17 0144 OH3FM 1100 W1LJ 112 ********* Stations Copying W1FJ Exchange Incorrectly ********* 21033 CW 2023-09-16 1612 OH8Z 464 W1FJ 2 correct 13 21027 CW 2023-09-16 1624 LA8OM 392 W1FJ 21 correct 20 14006 CW 2023-09-16 1831 OH6TN 199 W1FJ 60 correct 62 14023 CW 2023-09-16 1834 OH5CW 47 W1FJ 72 correct 64 14019 CW 2023-09-16 1852 SM2U 445 W1FJ 61 correct 71 7038 CW 2023-09-16 2341 OH2BA 834 W1FJ 107 correct 98 7012 CW 2023-09-16 2343 OG1R 595 W1FJ 29 correct 99 7000 CW 2023-09-16 2348 SD6O 934 W1FJ 192 correct 102 7012 CW 2023-09-16 2350 SB7S 962 W1FJ 94 correct 103 7010 CW 2023-09-17 0136 OV2T 952 W1FJ 107 correct 108 7011 CW 2023-09-17 0202 OH1VR 459 W1FJ 13 correct 117 14025 CW 2023-09-17 1135 SM5EPO 1011 W1FJ 130 correct 132