National Team Contesting Trial – SAC 2013

1. Objective

National teams chosen by the Scandinavian amateur radio leagues compete against each other in a media-ready event within the Scandinavian Activity Contest (SAC). Real-time scoring, audio, and video are provided to further increase interest among other radio amateurs and the general population.

2. Participants

The amateur radio league of each country nominates its own team of six (6) stations, all of which have to be located in the same DXCC country. The team consists of two (2) Single Op Multi Band High Power entrants, two (2) Single Op Multi Band Low Power entrants, one (1) Single Op Multi Band Low Power Tribander/Single Element entrant, and one (1) Multi Op Single TX entrant. In addition to team membership, each station competes in its regular entry category.

The method of team selection is decided independently by each league, and the team for the CW part can be different from that of the SSB part. The league must notify the Contest Committee of the team composition on the Sunday before SAC at the latest (15 Sep 2013 for CW, 6 Oct 2013 for SSB).

3. Requirements

During the contest, each station must be connected to a common real-time scoreboard site on the internet, as specified later by the Contest Committee. Reasonable effort should be made to provide a simple video and audio feed (See detailed instructions: sac2013_streaminginstructions_24aug2013), and to ensure that the feeds remain alive throughout the contest.

4. Scoring

The CW and SSB parts are treated as separate team contests. Scoring at the individual stations is done as indicated by the SAC rules. The total team score is the sum of the individual station scores.